
50 cent raise at end of season

Looking for help with a script for my husband. (He doesn’t have a Reddit account) He’s the right hand man for a small local landscaping company- he’s been working there for 6 years and is making $20 an hour. Last year the other person doing what he did left so he did both jobs all season, saving company $20 an hour with the same amount of work getting done. The owner gives raises at the end of the season – so you have to wait until the next spring to see any increase- and it’s literally 50 cents – he thinks he’s being generous, talking about how it’s hard on everyone. My husband is looking for help coming up with some simple, to the point facts/statements to hopefully make him understand that if pay increases don’t even at least match inflation they’re pay cuts not raises. It may not change…

Looking for help with a script for my husband. (He doesn’t have a Reddit account) He’s the right hand man for a small local landscaping company- he’s been working there for 6 years and is making $20 an hour. Last year the other person doing what he did left so he did both jobs all season, saving company $20 an hour with the same amount of work getting done. The owner gives raises at the end of the season – so you have to wait until the next spring to see any increase- and it’s literally 50 cents – he thinks he’s being generous, talking about how it’s hard on everyone. My husband is looking for help coming up with some simple, to the point facts/statements to hopefully make him understand that if pay increases don’t even at least match inflation they’re pay cuts not raises. It may not change anything but its also about letting him know his workers aren’t stupid.

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