
76000 hours

Or 8.676 years is how long you will have worked if you worked 40 hours a week for 40 years. Imagine spending 8.676 years somewhere you don't want to be. Literally trading your precious time on this planet wage slaving away inside a building making your boss rich. This does not include travel to and from work. 8 hours is half your waking day. The remaining time you are exhausted from working and you have to cook and clean and grocery shop. Work is wage slavery.

Or 8.676 years is how long you will have worked if you worked 40 hours a week for 40 years. Imagine spending 8.676 years somewhere you don't want to be. Literally trading your precious time on this planet wage slaving away inside a building making your boss rich. This does not include travel to and from work. 8 hours is half your waking day. The remaining time you are exhausted from working and you have to cook and clean and grocery shop. Work is wage slavery.

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