

I am so tired of working 55-80 hour weeks with only one day off and getting disrespected. I sat through work with a panic attack, I have taken technicians only supplying me with half of the information I need and berating me for what they don't tell me, my manager is being a big douche. To preface, too, I had taken initiative to tell my manager that I was extended an offer elsewhere and had intentions of taking it. I would like to give my two weeks and have a good rapport with the company. Then our dynamic in the office changed. We built a really nice and well rounded friendship in my time being there for it to end abruptly. I am now expected to work every weekend alone, to know every answer to any situation, and he no longer helps the techs or takes calls. He bills things…

I am so tired of working 55-80 hour weeks with only one day off and getting disrespected. I sat through work with a panic attack, I have taken technicians only supplying me with half of the information I need and berating me for what they don't tell me, my manager is being a big douche.

To preface, too, I had taken initiative to tell my manager that I was extended an offer elsewhere and had intentions of taking it. I would like to give my two weeks and have a good rapport with the company. Then our dynamic in the office changed. We built a really nice and well rounded friendship in my time being there for it to end abruptly. I am now expected to work every weekend alone, to know every answer to any situation, and he no longer helps the techs or takes calls. He bills things out as they come and sits upstairs. It is so frustrating not to have any help, he's a working manager.

When I told him about this job, his response was that he was happy for me. Later in the day, he sat on my desk and said, “but you forget one thing, you work for me, not with me.” Then, he walked off. I was confused in this context. However, the next day, he abandoned me during our rush.

I had phone calls, I had a line of irritated techs, the owner of the company wasn't pleased. I was floundering, but I sucked it up and managed. When he did come back, he was making snide remarks about how I distributed orders and the length of time it took me to navigate the shop and catalogs. He was also upset that someone called for someone specifically, and I had asked him for the extension. He slammed the phone down after transferring it and stormed off. This was also the same day I got stuck with the tech that absolute hates me. Dude looked at me and would not speak to me beyond, “I don't know. You tell me.” I can't do my job if you don't give me the information I need. If you spit out a large order, need a price quote, and want all of your parts in a reasonable time, you aren't going to get it if you with hold your notes and information. My manager and the tech teamed up on me then, putting me under pressure and embarrassing me for asking any questions. So, I stopped asking questions for the rest of the day and fully broke down.

This has now been repetitive.

Then I had a doctor appointment yesterday that was over half an hour away. I set it up awhile ago. I told him I was taking half a day and by the time I finished my appointment, I was getting a call to go back into work. I wasn't given a choice. I went back and I had to deal with the same tech, a customer at the window needing a refund (which is not something I can do), and callers who needed my manager. The tech needed a price quote, and I gave it to him. When he came back, my manager told me, “you forgot something!” in a patronizing way. The tech said I didn't. That he got the okay and I could price it out for him and get his part. So, I did. Only, when I priced it all out, he failed to tell me he needed additional items. I gave him his items and then he he stood there stomping his foot. I asked what was wrong, and he told me again, “I don't know…”

What could have been a ten minute transaction turned into a thirty minute guessing game. When I asked what fluids he needed, he hit me again with, “you tell me.” So, I went through the list and let him scrutinize me over each wrong answer. When he explained to me what he finally needed, my manager laughed and said, “she's just going to forget that in twenty minutes.”

I get the third degree for taking notes now. Beyond that, I woke up throwing up and called in to call off. My manager hit me with, “are you asking for a day off?” No. I am telling you I am not coming in.

I might not go back…. What's there to really lose? A week of pay?

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