
Use common sense.

Nothing irritates me more than a boss who acts like a politician and does everything he can to avoid giving you an actual answer and pushes blame on to others and never accepts any of his own. Today he told an employee to use common sense. The employee brought up getting a call in the middle of the night while on call, well we’re not open and operating at that time, don’t answer the call, use some common sense. Told today that if we don’t answer the phone while on call, we’ll be written up. Okay, so what if I’m taking a shit? Can you give me a timeframe that I have to be available to respond in? Well I’m not going to write you up if you don’t answer the phone but if the problem isn’t resolved… I literally make myself a target asking for specifics. A couple people…

Nothing irritates me more than a boss who acts like a politician and does everything he can to avoid giving you an actual answer and pushes blame on to others and never accepts any of his own.

Today he told an employee to use common sense. The employee brought up getting a call in the middle of the night while on call, well we’re not open and operating at that time, don’t answer the call, use some common sense.

Told today that if we don’t answer the phone while on call, we’ll be written up. Okay, so what if I’m taking a shit? Can you give me a timeframe that I have to be available to respond in? Well I’m not going to write you up if you don’t answer the phone but if the problem isn’t resolved…

I literally make myself a target asking for specifics.

A couple people in the company complained about our group while the boss was out and instead of asking for our side of the story, we’re all doing bad and need to do better according to him. He couldn’t even provide examples of where we failed, just that we did.

Essentially, “you all need to be as good as I am and you should just know how, Im not going to tell you.” Your common sense is different than mine, and different then a coworkers. Telling us to jump isn’t good enough if you want us to jump a certain way.

I either need to accept this is the way things are or move the fuck on.

Shitty managers make even the best jobs terrible. Too bad workplaces aren’t more democratic.

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