
Company fired me, now they want access to my files

I work for a vendor where I get contracted out. I’ve been working for company X. On Tuesday the vendor messages me at around 4 pm and let’s me know company X has terminated my contract and Tuesday is my last day. This comes as a surprise, and the boss at company X didn’t work on Tuesday. I called the boss to get an explanation of why I’m getting let go and they agree to meet with me the next day to explain. On Wednesday morning the boss basically explains they were unhappy with my work and points out a bunch of things that were out of my control. Whatever, what’s done is done. I returned all their equipment and now I’m fretting how I’m going to pay my bills and looking for a new gig. Today the vendor contacts me and says company X reached out and wants me…

I work for a vendor where I get contracted out. I’ve been working for company X.

On Tuesday the vendor messages me at around 4 pm and let’s me know company X has terminated my contract and Tuesday is my last day.

This comes as a surprise, and the boss at company X didn’t work on Tuesday. I called the boss to get an explanation of why I’m getting let go and they agree to meet with me the next day to explain.

On Wednesday morning the boss basically explains they were unhappy with my work and points out a bunch of things that were out of my control.

Whatever, what’s done is done. I returned all their equipment and now I’m fretting how I’m going to pay my bills and looking for a new gig.

Today the vendor contacts me and says company X reached out and wants me to turn over the files.

While I was working for X, I paid out of my own pocket for monthly access to some collaboration tools. It wasn’t very much, but I recommended to them they get a business account. They never did. There are a lot of important business documents there.

I revoked all the access on Tuesday. They had several months while I was working for them to save their own copies.

As they didn’t give me any reasonable notice or severance agreement, I don’t feel inclined to be accommodating at all. I hope the boss is kicking themselves that they didn’t save the files.

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