
I quit my job over the fact my manager told me to be submissive

My manager at a big chain restaurant Paul is Indian (needed for context) and was very rude, cussing me out constantly, saying I was rude and disrespectful because I asked him to wear gloves when touching food. A little later another manager Sam (he’s very old and white) pulled me aside one night and said “if I want an easier time at work I need to submit to Paul because he’s Indian and needs to dominate women it’s his culture” I asked if Paul said that to him or if he was assuming based on his race and culture and he said no and I lectured him on how racist and sexist that is and he sends me home early because of that as punishment. The next day I handed in my 2 weeks notice to my GM, and explained what happened. The GM was mortified and upset. I got…

My manager at a big chain restaurant Paul is Indian (needed for context) and was very rude, cussing me out constantly, saying I was rude and disrespectful because I asked him to wear gloves when touching food.

A little later another manager Sam (he’s very old and white) pulled me aside one night and said “if I want an easier time at work I need to submit to Paul because he’s Indian and needs to dominate women it’s his culture” I asked if Paul said that to him or if he was assuming based on his race and culture and he said no and I lectured him on how racist and sexist that is and he sends me home early because of that as punishment.

The next day I handed in my 2 weeks notice to my GM, and explained what happened. The GM was mortified and upset. I got a formal apology from Sam and Paul never found out. Sam called me a few times to get me try to to come back but stopped after a year.

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