
Planning Resistance

So we all know about the radical Supreme Court. We are now seeing their agenda more clearly, and it is becoming more and more obvious that what they are designing to do is nothing less than the abolition of democracy and it’s replacement with a brutal Christian fascist dictatorship. Roe was one thing, but next election they are poised to strike down the right to a free and fair election. The overwhelming likelihood is that next summer, Moore vs Harper will strike down the federal governments ability to regulate elections. By 2024, many conservative states will have brought back the type of voting discrimination that the Civil Rights Movement paused for 50 years. I saw many people post after Roe that “Monday we should go on strike”. Taking a day off work is not a strike, and you can’t organize something like that in a weekend. Any significant protest movement…

So we all know about the radical Supreme Court. We are now seeing their agenda more clearly, and it is becoming more and more obvious that what they are designing to do is nothing less than the abolition of democracy and it’s replacement with a brutal Christian fascist dictatorship.

Roe was one thing, but next election they are poised to strike down the right to a free and fair election.

The overwhelming likelihood is that next summer, Moore vs Harper will strike down the federal governments ability to regulate elections.

By 2024, many conservative states will have brought back the type of voting discrimination that the Civil Rights Movement paused for 50 years.

I saw many people post after Roe that “Monday we should go on strike”. Taking a day off work is not a strike, and you can’t organize something like that in a weekend.

Any significant protest movement takes a lot of organizing. We know this decision is coming in a year, and anyone with even a sliver of intelligence can see how the fascist in the Supreme Court will rule.

We need a general strike for this decision coming in 1 year, and 1 year MIGHT be enough to organize one. Start talking to friends. Find local groups already talking about this and volunteer to help.

But thats not all, prepare for not going to work for potentially months next year. Start to study local targets you can blockade with your body that can help put a stand still on the entire global economy.

If you live in LA, for instance, start training with groups to blockade the Port of Long Beach for weeks at a time.

This is it. The actions of people next summer will decide if we ever have a free and fair election again.

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