
The Story of the Cottage Lake Safeway in Washington State

How many of you could honestly say you take great pleasure ingesting mold? For me, I would say not so much. However, much like the cheesemaking process, the produce manager at the aforementioned Safeway location has decided to introduce mold into the produce that they package. They then sell it to you for an absurdly high price. As a customer, I was privileged enough to walk through the store and hear one of the employees ask, “What should we do about all of the moldy produce?” The answer? “Package it up and put it on the floor, it will sell anyways.” My thoughts as someone who enjoys his fair share of watermelon? 'Well, I'm never buying produce here.' That is incongruous with any and all food safety measures. Another employee was pulling bad produce from the shelves and the store manager himself told them to put it back. If I…

How many of you could honestly say you take great pleasure ingesting mold? For me, I would say not so much. However, much like the cheesemaking process, the produce manager at the aforementioned Safeway location has decided to introduce mold into the produce that they package. They then sell it to you for an absurdly high price. As a customer, I was privileged enough to walk through the store and hear one of the employees ask, “What should we do about all of the moldy produce?” The answer? “Package it up and put it on the floor, it will sell anyways.” My thoughts as someone who enjoys his fair share of watermelon? 'Well, I'm never buying produce here.' That is incongruous with any and all food safety measures. Another employee was pulling bad produce from the shelves and the store manager himself told them to put it back. If I recall correctly, his words were “Don't pull the mistakes off the shelf, they will sell anyways.”

As I sit here behind my computer screen, typing away, I find myself saddened that one must resort to such measures to achieve change in a situation like this. I would much rather reason with them and try to help them understand that their customers are actually human beings too. My only hope is that those of you who read this will take the proper precautions. It isn't fair to you to be putting products into your body that have been knowingly contaminated. I ask that you show grace to the employees as they are merely following instructions. Please be careful and inspect your produce thoroughly!

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