
The harsh truth for workers in the USA.

You need a genuine revolution. I have been lurking here for a long time, and it has become increasingly clear to me, that the working class of the USA, needs to revolt against capitalism, and you need to vote for, what you call, “far left” candidates, because not even your democrats are remotely socialistic enough (except Bernie Sanders, maybe). And I am not talking peaceful protests, because they do absolutely NOTHING, other than make you the laughing stock for people in the ivory towers. You need to organize and unionize (in secret at first, so you don't get fired). Then, and only then, will you accumulate the power and ressources to negotiate. It will take years, and it will be though, but it WILL be worth it. You might not benefit, but your children will. Take this advice from a GenX'er, who grew up poor, with undiagnosed ADHD, with alcohol…

You need a genuine revolution.

I have been lurking here for a long time, and it has become increasingly clear to me, that the working class of the USA, needs to revolt against capitalism, and you need to vote for, what you call, “far left” candidates, because not even your democrats are remotely socialistic enough (except Bernie Sanders, maybe). And I am not talking peaceful protests, because they do absolutely NOTHING, other than make you the laughing stock for people in the ivory towers.

You need to organize and unionize (in secret at first, so you don't get fired). Then, and only then, will you accumulate the power and ressources to negotiate. It will take years, and it will be though, but it WILL be worth it. You might not benefit, but your children will.

Take this advice from a GenX'er, who grew up poor, with undiagnosed ADHD, with alcohol and drug problems in the family. If it had not been for my parents generation unionizing and voting for a welfare state, with free healthcare, free education, and a social security safety net, I would have not survived for sure.

Unionizing is not illegal yet, but if you don't watch out, it might be in the future. Case in point; abortion legislation.

I truly hope, with all my heart, that you can make this work. Not just for your sake, but also for the rest of the world. We need you back in the fight, for a clean and peaceful planet.

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