
All businesses are evil

I work in a school for children with a history of complex trauma in care. The company that manages us has understaffed us for a year continually promising to hire more people and not delivering. The changes the company has made to cut costs and tick boxes for official inspections have made the staff and students suffer. Myself and other teachers have been physically and emotionally abused. Yet, the people in charge, (who only step foot in the school when there are rumours of an inspection) tell us we are not doing enough. This is my second year working ever, and I am shocked at the idea that this is how most businesses operate. The mental health of your employees and treating them like human beings guarantees good outcomes for all. Yet, instead we are driven to our limits to be replaced by less qualified and ultimately cheaper employees. The…

I work in a school for children with a history of complex trauma in care. The company that manages us has understaffed us for a year continually promising to hire more people and not delivering.

The changes the company has made to cut costs and tick boxes for official inspections have made the staff and students suffer. Myself and other teachers have been physically and emotionally abused. Yet, the people in charge, (who only step foot in the school when there are rumours of an inspection) tell us we are not doing enough.

This is my second year working ever, and I am shocked at the idea that this is how most businesses operate. The mental health of your employees and treating them like human beings guarantees good outcomes for all. Yet, instead we are driven to our limits to be replaced by less qualified and ultimately cheaper employees. The quality of education suffers. The children suffer.

I see the same thing happening in all business on a small and large scale. In hospitals to nurses and in factories that produce goods. We exist to be exploited and make the rich richer whilst the cost of living rises.

Meanwhile covid showed us that change is possible. The systems around us are more fragile then we think. There is another way. When is enough enough?

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