
Last Day

Kinda surreal, spent 13 years with this company and the last 6 months is what drove me to a different branch and department. Love my coworkers but management has been on a severe decline. Moving to a different position that pays more and has a lot of perks. One boss wishes me well and congratulated me, the other one hasn’t even MENTIONED it, even when it’s brought up around him. C'est la vie. It all makes me really ensured that I’m making the right decision. Keep your head up y’all and don’t be afraid to bounce if the job isn’t what you want.

Kinda surreal, spent 13 years with this company and the last 6 months is what drove me to a different branch and department. Love my coworkers but management has been on a severe decline. Moving to a different position that pays more and has a lot of perks. One boss wishes me well and congratulated me, the other one hasn’t even MENTIONED it, even when it’s brought up around him. C'est la vie. It all makes me really ensured that I’m making the right decision. Keep your head up y’all and don’t be afraid to bounce if the job isn’t what you want.

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