
Advice on how to quit my job?

I [22F] got hired at a retail store a little over a month ago. Initially I liked working there but a lot of red flags and management issues have come up since I started. I feel we have a somewhat high turnover rate (at least 5 people have walked out/quit since I started) and management has no issue putting blame on employees for doing things that we didn't know NOT to do (because no one really tells us or teaches us anything), but can't accept the fact their bad management is why no one wants to work there/why people keep leaving. I'm also chronically ill/disabled and recently submitted a doctor's note to limit my work days and hours to prevent me from having flares of my illness. The manager read it over and said they'd submit it to corporate, but didn't say how long it may take. Three days later…

I [22F] got hired at a retail store a little over a month ago. Initially I liked working there but a lot of red flags and management issues have come up since I started.

I feel we have a somewhat high turnover rate (at least 5 people have walked out/quit since I started) and management has no issue putting blame on employees for doing things that we didn't know NOT to do (because no one really tells us or teaches us anything), but can't accept the fact their bad management is why no one wants to work there/why people keep leaving.

I'm also chronically ill/disabled and recently submitted a doctor's note to limit my work days and hours to prevent me from having flares of my illness. The manager read it over and said they'd submit it to corporate, but didn't say how long it may take. Three days later the schedule was put out and I saw that I was scheduled for a shift longer than what my doctors note recommended. I plan to ask on my next shift when I'll know if the note was accepted or denied. Depending on the outcome of that and if I can get that shift changed will determine how quickly I quit.

But, the reason I'm posting here is: how do you all suggest I quit? I was planning to put in a 2 week notice solely for the sake of being seen as “professional”, but I've heard some people recommend I should email a copy and have a physical copy? I don't have the manager's email so I'm not sure where I should send it. I'm not even sure how I should approach the manager to hand in the physical letter either.

Because of being ill since I was a minor, this has really been my first “real” job and I feel so unprepared for how to handle this. I appreciate any and all advice!!

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