
A reminder, change jobs if u can..

I'm Sorry for any grammatical errors as I am not a native speaker. UK, Staffordshire, I wanted to share my little story about my previous job.. As the title say, change jobs if you can! Don't let anyone overwork you nor don't show you can do more in short term.. ​ I will start from beginning, I worked for X(I don't want any problem) company with 3-4k employees around the world in a new warehouse for the past 3 years. £23k/yr First year was excellent, we had around 25 people on my shift with a great old shift leader who had our backs. I could get holidays with a 2-4 weeks notice, We had many overtimes. After 8 months only 10 peoples got a contract with me which was weird, but I didn't think about it at that moment. Some ppl quit and they decided to kick a few ppl…

I'm Sorry for any grammatical errors as I am not a native speaker.

UK, Staffordshire,

I wanted to share my little story about my previous job..

As the title say, change jobs if you can! Don't let anyone overwork you nor don't show you can do more in short term..

I will start from beginning, I worked for X(I don't want any problem) company with 3-4k employees around the world in a new warehouse for the past 3 years. £23k/yr

First year was excellent, we had around 25 people on my shift with a great old shift leader who had our backs. I could get holidays with a 2-4 weeks notice, We had many overtimes. After 8 months only 10 peoples got a contract with me which was weird, but I didn't think about it at that moment. Some ppl quit and they decided to kick a few ppl from agency..

Everybody worked hard because we wanted to get job done which was a mistake at later date..

Then covid started which created opportunity to replace my old shift leader and just kick out a few old employees from different section.(Don't worry, they got money for every worked year).

New team leader was pushing us to reach our targets. As time passed by there was much more work with only a 9 member staff including me. GM even reduced our shitty bonus from £600/yr to £200/yr because “HR decided” and we had instead candies every 1-3 months XD

When I called to my team leader for sick then literally she was asking why and how it happened for countless times and forced me to call every day which I didn't(in contract was only mentioned that I need to inform before shift and day before when I will come back which I did)

Every new person from agency usually worked 1-2 weeks and then quit, some even quit after 1-2 hours which was funny because it clearly showed how much work was dropped on us. We needed to finish job in the same day even if we had to stay longer not much 0.5h-1,5h but we were just tired(We couldn't do anything about it because it was specified in our contract)

For every Christmas we had bonus £10 and a cup with our names XD

I had problem just taking holiday because 1-2 ppl was allowed to take it at the same time including agency staff (total 13 ppl) and I was forced to book it like 6-7 months before(lol)

Only 4 people had balls to take our sick pay because rest of them was afraid which lead it to banning us (misconduct for 12 months) from taking any sick in last August and that was break point for me. They just ignored our contract, ignored my fit notes from doctors, showed us 'company rules' and again reason was “HR decided” Obviously GM had to defence himself like that.

We wrote a letter for a pay rise in last November because We didn't get any from beginning, we were overworked (literary every of us worked for 3ppl) and GM coward took us one by one to his office and told us some bullshit that he was surprised because the thought he took a good care about us. He could 'ask HR in next may' which was ironic because a month before we had a meeting and he showed that company hit a new record of profits.

I was feeling like in a prison and I thought I won't be able to find a better paid job and last 3 months was a nightmare and literally I was thinking I'm going to go crazy.

Then old colleague called to me that he found a new warehouse with a better pay £27k/yr and I decided to left in mid-January with other 2 ppl.

We dropped before shift and said that We're leaving today with a leave notice to our GM. His face was priceless because without 3 ppl he was forced to take more ppl from agency which mean more cost to his precious company. A month after we quit our colleague said that they got a pay rise from £23k to £26k thanks to us. Suddenly it was possible to give a raise xDD

A new place is much better, less stress, closer and less work.. Of course there are different problems but at least I got experience to not stick mentally with one place and just find another if job got shitty.

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