
If you have access to company network, search for your SSN

Back in the day, on a whim I searched our corporate network for my (US) social security network. I found it listed in an excel spreadsheet, on the fifth tab. Along with everyone else’s and their salary. The accountant was only supposed to have saved the first tab to a new doc to share on the network, and hadn’t noticed all the other tabs. I was too dumb to share this info with all the woefully underpaid employees, a good friend being one of them. I was just embarrassed for them. I didn’t realize they could have used the info to boost their salary. I told accounting and they removed the file. But here’s hoping maybe just one of you will find something similar and can help out your coworkers or yourself now that you know better.

Back in the day, on a whim I searched our corporate network for my (US) social security network. I found it listed in an excel spreadsheet, on the fifth tab. Along with everyone else’s and their salary. The accountant was only supposed to have saved the first tab to a new doc to share on the network, and hadn’t noticed all the other tabs. I was too dumb to share this info with all the woefully underpaid employees, a good friend being one of them. I was just embarrassed for them. I didn’t realize they could have used the info to boost their salary. I told accounting and they removed the file. But here’s hoping maybe just one of you will find something similar and can help out your coworkers or yourself now that you know better.

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