
I need help. (Read me)

Hi, I’m 23 years old and just graduated university. I moved back home to start a remote job on the 18th of month. The only reason I moved back home is because I have nothing else. I thought being 23 years old and entering the real world would give me a break on the abuse that I experience here, but I was wrong. I’m 23 years old and I am still being abused by my mother. At least it isn’t both parents (because I kicked my dad out of my life), but it is the last one I’d be scared to let go of. Nobody wants a bad relationship with either of their parents. I have been threatened, harrassed, and assaulted for refusing to clean up other people’s messes with little to nothing in return. I’m never appreciated and only ever called ungrateful. I have a brother who although admits…


I’m 23 years old and just graduated university. I moved back home to start a remote job on the 18th of month. The only reason I moved back home is because I have nothing else. I thought being 23 years old and entering the real world would give me a break on the abuse that I experience here, but I was wrong.

I’m 23 years old and I am still being abused by my mother. At least it isn’t both parents (because I kicked my dad out of my life), but it is the last one I’d be scared to let go of. Nobody wants a bad relationship with either of their parents. I have been threatened, harrassed, and assaulted for refusing to clean up other people’s messes with little to nothing in return. I’m never appreciated and only ever called ungrateful. I have a brother who although admits there are issues will never take my side (he’s the favorite).

Today I told her I am moving out today. She threatened me about the car, the insurances, the cell phone, and everything else to try and scare me into submission; however, I am 23 years old. I am my own man. I don’t deserve to be treated like a weak child for not wanting to put up with this household’s hoarding and laziness. She called me an embarrassment, but it doesn’t hurt me since I recognize her fragility. I pity her, but I won’t crawl back to her anymore. I’m willing to go through hell to get the fuck out of here.

I have scheduled an appointment to view an apartment today. I don’t know if I can report my income if I technicaly have started my new job. I will have 8k in the bank eventually, but that’s it.

If I go there will be trouble, if I stay it will be double. Please give me advice. I’m already couch surfing tonight.

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