
Sorry just me venting a little bit (sorry for bad english)

So I have been working for 1 year now and it's my first ever job, but it's been absolute garbage and I'm struggling to contain my anger at the bullshit they keep pulling first of all is the shifts that they keep giving me, when I started it wasn't so bad, like 3-4 days a week all at 12 hours, but then after the third week I got my schedule filled to the brim with 12 hours every day of the week and my boss would give me sudden unpaid overtime ranging from 2 more hours and more, the worst part would be that she would sometimes give even more so I could help with bingo, not even joking, at this point I was basically working almost as much as both my parents combined, it really sucks that she just does this with no warning or hints at all and…

So I have been working for 1 year now and it's my first ever job, but it's been absolute garbage and I'm struggling to contain my anger at the bullshit they keep pulling

first of all is the shifts that they keep giving me, when I started it wasn't so bad, like 3-4 days a week all at 12 hours, but then after the third week I got my schedule filled to the brim with 12 hours every day of the week and my boss would give me sudden unpaid overtime ranging from 2 more hours and more, the worst part would be that she would sometimes give even more so I could help with bingo, not even joking, at this point I was basically working almost as much as both my parents combined, it really sucks that she just does this with no warning or hints at all and act surprised when I get confused

it got even worse later because the first two months, I didn't even get paid at all and the only reason I got paid after that is because I managed to get contact info for a superior and talked about all the unreasonable work times, I did get compensation too but it wasn't even half of what I was supposed to get, I later contacted the person in charge with overseeing everyone's shifts, and managed to get paid for any future overtime, but I still didn't get the bonus that everyone else gets from working overtime, I got paid like it was normal work hours

I was not just incredibly sleep deprived, but also really mad, they had like 20 other people to choose from, and have them work, but I, for some reason had to work everyday with the same 4 people, that for some reason doesn't get as many shifts as me, and not only that, my boss grabs my butt from time to time, and the sexual harassment gets treated as a joke because I'm male

I'm usually a very patient and tolerable person, but this is going way over the line, I struggled with finding jobs because Covid and struggled hard with finding everything I could use to get better working conditions, but it still isn't close enough to anything worth working for, the pay is just barely above the average paygrade

thank you internet stranger for listening to someone new to work, I'm fine now since I got a new job with better working conditions recently, I don't know why she expected me not to do anything about it, I might be new to work, but I'm not stupid


SUCK MY BALLS ex-boss or actually don't since you are a one pack of cigarette everyday smoking mummified piece of lettuce looking ass troglodyte, my balls would be drier than the Sahara desert and cinnamon combined

celebrating with some nice alcohol rn

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