
Separation of economy and state

Does anyone else feel like this would really make a difference? Recently, I really began to see how the business class and politicians are screwing over the working class. I use to think politicians were elected to vouch for those who elected them, but it seems like they could give two shits and only care about the money/businesses that got them there. Further, the amount of insider trading and minuscule fines are supposed to deter this behavior? If anything, it encourages them as fines are nothing in comparison to the millions they make. Nothing ever seems to change because those benefiting from the system are the only ones who can change it. I believe we need a serious revamp of the political system. A political system where those elected fight for those who elected them and not who made them rich. Unless something changes, I don't think we can continue…

Does anyone else feel like this would really make a difference? Recently, I really began to see how the business class and politicians are screwing over the working class. I use to think politicians were elected to vouch for those who elected them, but it seems like they could give two shits and only care about the money/businesses that got them there. Further, the amount of insider trading and minuscule fines are supposed to deter this behavior? If anything, it encourages them as fines are nothing in comparison to the millions they make. Nothing ever seems to change because those benefiting from the system are the only ones who can change it. I believe we need a serious revamp of the political system. A political system where those elected fight for those who elected them and not who made them rich. Unless something changes, I don't think we can continue to work.

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