
Lady..Either Shut Up or Leave

I was forced to resign the other day and if you believe in the 5 stages of loss, I’m stuck at the “depression and detachment“ stage with a foot still on the “anger” stage. I accepted the job offer 7 years ago because it had no personnel responsibilities. Previously I held employees fate in my hands for over 10 years and needed something that was only an 8 to 5 job. I no longer wanted the 24/7 attachment, I believed what they were doing was admirable, I appreciated the fact that it was female owned and ownership were members of the “GOD Squad”. It was the complete opposite of what I grew accustomed to. Boy, was I wrong. In many ways they were much worse.‘After a year, I started to see the cracks in the foundation. I no longer had the 8-5 salary position, it became 6-5 plus 2 to…

I was forced to resign the other day and if you believe in the 5 stages of loss, I’m stuck at the “depression and detachment“ stage with a foot still on the “anger” stage. I accepted the job offer 7 years ago because it had no personnel responsibilities. Previously I held employees fate in my hands for over 10 years and needed something that was only an 8 to 5 job. I no longer wanted the 24/7 attachment, I believed what they were doing was admirable, I appreciated the fact that it was female owned and ownership were members of the “GOD Squad”. It was the complete opposite of what I grew accustomed to. Boy, was I wrong. In many ways they were much worse.‘After a year, I started to see the cracks in the foundation. I no longer had the 8-5 salary position, it became 6-5 plus 2 to 3 more hours at home and a few hours on the weekend. They took advantage of my education and experience and I allowed it. My boss would use my data, spreadsheets and opinions as part of his presentations at the Executive and Board Meetings and the “chats” behind closed doors. After a couple of years I started to watermark my files, but that was only a small nuisance that he was able to walk around.

My predictions on the effects of COVID, manpower, and supply line disruptions were on point. The company had no production delays regarding inventory. PPE availability wasn’t a concern, transportation cost increases were as expected and when called upon I was able to find the unicorns while saving more than a million dollars. Unfortunately, management didn’t know I was behind the curtain the whole time. I wish I could put the blame entirely on my boss but from time to time when management “peeked”, once they saw I was female, my breasts made me mute. You wouldn’t expect this in a women owned company until I realized the “family” uses it’s female members as figureheads which opens up more sales opportunities. Not very Christian of them. The “GOD squad” is another name for the “Boys Club” – more cunning because you wouldn’t expect it since you have been in denial of its existence. I know some men believe the club exists anymore and it’s just an excuse we use to mask our failures, but in the small to medium sized companies, in a male dominated industry, and in the manufacturing environment – “Yes Virginia“, they do exist”!.

If you are asking yourself why was I forced to resign if I’m so terrific – I got tired of being behind the curtain. I’m running out of tongue to bite so I try to infiltrate and I lost. I couldn’t even get past the first level. My boss started to see movement and took away all of my responsibilites, limited my emails and phone access so I was left nothing to do but watch the clock from 8-5. He also started to become more involved with low level meetings and made sure I was able to overhear all of them. After feeling humiliated by all this, when asked about the return of my “duties” and inclusion with new projects – he said he didn’t know. When I made the statement that I would bring in my laptop I used to make him look like a superstar, he wanted to know if my letter would be included. You can’t be more clearer than that. I tried to reach out to the other members of the “GOD squad” that always asked if I would be willing to work under them, no one returned any of my emails or phone calls. When I came in to return the company equipment, I had to remain outside until someone came out to receive it. I waited 20 minutes for someone who took my laptop and ask if my letter was included. Normally when someone “exists“ the firm, an Exit Interview with ownership plus a meeting with HR is customary. I guess I’m the exception. I’ll leave this “entry level” post and take my 10 years of experience being a Regional Executive Manager and my MBA and see if I can find a new home. Everyone that I have whined to about my situation asks why I even stayed let alone take the position to begin with and all I can say is that it was as if it was a marriage and I thought I would be able to make it better”. I also have never walked away from anything before The fact I just celebrated my 24 year anniversary with my high school sweetheart is proof of that.

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