
Socialism isn’t the answer, raw unadulterated capitalism is.

I really believe the core of every issue we face today is due to unbelievable amounts of greed. Greed that is protected by both the state and federal government. Whether it is too big to fail or bankruptcy, I find it strange that nobody ever has any gripes with the adulterated form of capitalism we have today. I mean, is it even capitalism anymore if the federal/state government protects you from failing? What kinds of consequences do these rich, greedy assholes get for exploiting you and paying you an unlivable wage if people quit and the business fails? The answer is nothing. This is why it seems like a living nightmare today to work in the USA because these people with millions of dollars are protected from ever having to lose their wealth should the business fail. Trump is literally a living example of this. If we had a raw,…

I really believe the core of every issue we face today is due to unbelievable amounts of greed. Greed that is protected by both the state and federal government. Whether it is too big to fail or bankruptcy, I find it strange that nobody ever has any gripes with the adulterated form of capitalism we have today.

I mean, is it even capitalism anymore if the federal/state government protects you from failing? What kinds of consequences do these rich, greedy assholes get for exploiting you and paying you an unlivable wage if people quit and the business fails? The answer is nothing. This is why it seems like a living nightmare today to work in the USA because these people with millions of dollars are protected from ever having to lose their wealth should the business fail. Trump is literally a living example of this.

If we had a raw, unadulterated form of capitalism, employees have all the power to end a business and holder owners 100% responsible. Under this model, these people gamble with risk 1:1 where, if you want to make more money by exploiting your own employees (massive risk), you run the risk of them quitting or worse, protesting leaving you with costs that build up fast. If change doesn't happen still and you're still trying to reap the rewards of high risk by underpaying your employees and they keep protesting and holding up production which ultimately ends up failing, the raw, unadulterated capitalism model would force owners (by the state) to cover 100% of all debts from the business including hefty severance packages. If the owners spent everything they made from the business and exploiting their employees, their wages moving forward become garnished, high-interest rate credit is forced and assets frozen and seized and ultimately, they go from riches to rags overnight without ever having the option to taking on debt again. Oh, yeah, that debt from the failed business never goes away either if you die. You're family, and their family and so on inherit it so, you know, if you want to fuck around with other people's lives and lose because of it, well, karma will literally come right back at you.

This model directly holds these people accountable and while socialism may seem like the right way to go, I really believe it'd be the complete opposite of what you'd come to expect. Take for example, John Deer and their recent mess with forcing people to repair the equipment. I like this example because I believe it speaks for how other outcomes would manifest had this corporation become a function of the state rather than raw, unadulterated capitalism. These greedy assholes would not only have a shit ton of capital but the means to compete against them it now become removed because they're a function of the state. You'd be empowering them with legal authority and they'd have capital power too. It's no secret these people are vile, evil people, why would you ever consider allowing them to be a function of the state? It's one thing to fight against a corporation but to fight against the state? Why empower them like this? If you think manipulation is bad now, imagine trying to overcome the state and change it? The only entity somewhat above the state is the federal government and the federal government is pretty limited in telling the states what to do.

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