
I worked MY ASS OFF for an entire day, I quit and asked for my money, and now I’m being GHOSTED

I had a job interview at a car wash a few days ago and the owner told me that I got the job and I can start working the day after, I agreed. I showed up there a day later and he made me work very hard, I was vacuuming the interior of cars and scrubbing cars for hours, he didn’t give me any breaks and there were no roofs, so it all happened in the very hot sun. After the day ended and I saw the terrible working conditions they have there, I decided to quit. I messaged the owner and I told him that I don’t wanna work there any longer and I want to get my 1 day salary on cash app (he doesn’t have my bank account details since he didn’t give me any forms to fill, When I asked him about that he said that…

I had a job interview at a car wash a few days ago and the owner told me that I got the job and I can start working the day after, I agreed. I showed up there a day later and he made me work very hard, I was vacuuming the interior of cars and scrubbing cars for hours, he didn’t give me any breaks and there were no roofs, so it all happened in the very hot sun. After the day ended and I saw the terrible working conditions they have there, I decided to quit. I messaged the owner and I told him that I don’t wanna work there any longer and I want to get my 1 day salary on cash app (he doesn’t have my bank account details since he didn’t give me any forms to fill, When I asked him about that he said that he would do it in a few days, it was basically an “under the table” job, I was stupid enough to fall for it) and now he ghosts me. I worked so hard for nothing, he’s not gonna pay me and there’s nothing I can do about it. I wish that bastard and all his loved one get cancer. If you read all of my rant, thank you for listening, I wish you all great work-free lives.

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