
Sandwich Shop Rant

This happened about two years ago but I can’t stop thinking about it. I worked at a subway shop at the time. I was sitting at home and got a call from my mom. She was freaking out and crying and by the time she got it out, she had told me she found her boyfriend dead (by su*cide). I had texted my boss and my work group chat that I would be 4 hours away (only telling my boss why, because I was petrified of losing my $8.25/hr job). I go down there for a couple of days to be with my mom while she and I were both grieving. I come back and one of my coworkers were telling me that my boss had been talking behind my back about my absence from work. She knew full and well why. She was mad that I missed work because…

This happened about two years ago but I can’t stop thinking about it. I worked at a subway shop at the time. I was sitting at home and got a call from my mom. She was freaking out and crying and by the time she got it out, she had told me she found her boyfriend dead (by su*cide). I had texted my boss and my work group chat that I would be 4 hours away (only telling my boss why, because I was petrified of losing my $8.25/hr job). I go down there for a couple of days to be with my mom while she and I were both grieving. I come back and one of my coworkers were telling me that my boss had been talking behind my back about my absence from work. She knew full and well why. She was mad that I missed work because of this.

I even offered to bring an obituary of the funeral for proof. The funeral of which I couldn’t attend because I had work. This is a little rant I couldn’t help but to post. I haven’t thought of it since it happened. I think I’m more angry now than I was when it happened.

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