
Quit my job after 2 and 1/2 years, have no job to go to but I’d simply has enough

I've bounced around my workplace for the last 2 and 1/2 years but it's been a complete fucking shit show. I haven't had a permanent manager since my third week, so have had 7 managers since I've been there. There's constantly been various reasons why permanent employees can't be hired, restructure, team reshuffle, new GMs, budget constraints, so there's been SO many contractors and fixed termers. Endless churn of staff all earning megabucks. I'm the longest serving employee in the team by over a year. Anyway – new manager has been a completely and utter c-u-next-tuesday and when I took a very rare sick day a while ago, she absolutely came for my neck and accused me of having a poor work ethic, not being a team player. Then later when trying to somewhat reconcile said they'd worked so hard they'd had to take steroids to get through the work…

I've bounced around my workplace for the last 2 and 1/2 years but it's been a complete fucking shit show. I haven't had a permanent manager since my third week, so have had 7 managers since I've been there.

There's constantly been various reasons why permanent employees can't be hired, restructure, team reshuffle, new GMs, budget constraints, so there's been SO many contractors and fixed termers. Endless churn of staff all earning megabucks. I'm the longest serving employee in the team by over a year.

Anyway – new manager has been a completely and utter c-u-next-tuesday and when I took a very rare sick day a while ago, she absolutely came for my neck and accused me of having a poor work ethic, not being a team player. Then later when trying to somewhat reconcile said they'd worked so hard they'd had to take steroids to get through the work week and would cry at the end of their work shifts… It was like okay… As if your complete state of being mentally unwell is an issue of mine.

Anyway what finally tipped the scales was a new, perfectly hard working and charming team member needing to sign off early because of a migraine and my manager was furious – explaining they couldn't sign off until they handed over their work. I simply messaged them to get better soon.

However I then thought about it and just realised, okay I'm done with this place now. I've got enough savings to weather a few months jobless. No one is saying it is ideal but I see plenty of job listings suitable for my skills around me. It's risky but fuck it – gotta live the life I want to live.

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