
I have covid. Yet, per company policy, I only get TWO DAYS off, without any excused absence. I called out the night before and left a message, apparently that isn’t good enough and I am being heavily penalized for not coming in… I work in MAKEUP. Is this legal?

So this is a throwaway account because some of my coworkers know my reddit. tl;dr at end. This is a lot. Background here. I am very good at my job. I make the company a lot of money. I am friends with the Nars brand reps, and they value and respect me since I am very knowledgable and good. We have even gone out a couple of times. I have made connections. Also, I have gotten a ton of glowing reviews from clients. I was sick w/ covid, didn't take care of myself and so it came back, worse. So, I was very sick for a while 2 weeks ago, and even couldn't talk, yet my job requires me to talk all day, with clients and management. My friend and I were directly exposed to someone with covid. We had the same exact symptoms, at the same time. She tested…

So this is a throwaway account because some of my coworkers know my reddit. tl;dr at end. This is a lot.

Background here. I am very good at my job. I make the company a lot of money. I am friends with the Nars brand reps, and they value and respect me since I am very knowledgable and good. We have even gone out a couple of times. I have made connections. Also, I have gotten a ton of glowing reviews from clients. I was sick w/ covid, didn't take care of myself and so it came back, worse.

So, I was very sick for a while 2 weeks ago, and even couldn't talk, yet my job requires me to talk all day, with clients and management. My friend and I were directly exposed to someone with covid. We had the same exact symptoms, at the same time. She tested positive. I never took a test. I was VERY ill for 2 days (luckily I was off)… and a bit better malaise wise, but definitely still sick after that but went in anyway because I missed too much “time” already due to these:

I was almost carjacked, literal gun to my head w/ two guys banging on my car. Obviously, I couldn't go to work. Another day, my schedule had a glitch so I was “late.” like I had to be there at 12:00, then when I got there it was 11:30… (not the only person who had this happen. One coworker screenshots the schedule so they can't penalize her for a glitch in the system again. Then, I was rear ended. One time, I had to leave early because I couldn't see out of one eye, got the problem fixed but it was scary. They don't accept dr.'s notes/documentation. You get the idea.)

So I couldn't miss anymore work. None of it my fault, and I have proof of everything. But they don't accept dr.'s notes or any documentation at all. Like, ever.

I woke up feeling very ill again two days ago. Saw the ENT dr. three days ago, because I was still getting over what was definitely covid, and had work the next day. I am also a singer so I need to keep my voice healthy. I still went to work, though my throat felt SO BAD, I thought it was going to close up since I couldn't even drink water. My shift two days ago started at 12pm. Went in anyway, had chills and throat and body pain all day, so I told one manager that I feel awful, but I can push through. (was shivering throughout the day, even clients noticed.) I get home, I have a fever and tested positive for covid. Yesterday, I was supposed to be in at 10AM. I leave a message the night prior explaining. Manager calls me at 10:15 asking where I was. I was obviously sleeping at that time, because I was very ill. I was told you have to call the store at least 2 hrs before, which I did. Then I was told yesterday by the manager that they “don't have access to voicemails…” (wtf.) and you have to keep calling until you speak to someone. One problem, 2 hrs early on the dot, is 8AM. NO ONE, would be there to answer the phone, DEFINITELY not prior to that. Wtf would I have been I supposed to do, leave a message? Nope. BECAUSE APPARENTLY I couldn't leave a voicemail, because they can't access it for whatever reason, just that I have to call the store at least 2hrs before my shift. I did keep calling and calling yesterday, later, to let someone know after she told me that. NO one picked up. I finally got someone in the evening before they close, and OMG. I am on hold for a while and I get the worst, most b*tchy manager there. She is “just going to be straight with me,” I am a “no call, no show.” for the day and am in trouble. PLUS their covid policy has been updated to TWO days. So I called out today, just barely made the 2hrs because I was sick and asleep.


So basically, it looks like I'm screwed and I STILL have to go in tomorrow because company policy says “2 days” for covid. Which may even be illegal. They messed up, not me. I did NOTHING wrong here. I literally look grey because I am sick. I was already sick 2 weeks ago with what was 99% probably covid (exposure and friend tested positive w/ same symptoms, I never took a test because I had to go to work.) Still went in anyway, so I wasn't taking care of myself, so it came back (probably didn't fight it off.) I called the night before yesterday, but they “can't” check their voicemail (WTF.) AND my shift started at 10 AM, but the store OPENS at 10AM, and you have to call out at least 2hrs before your shift. No one would be there 2 hrs before my shift. PLUS I was sick and in pain and couldn't physically put in the energy to keep calling until someone picked up. Couldn't reach anyone later. FINALLY did, and I am “no call, no show,” so in serious trouble. Even though I work in makeup touching people, and am probably contagious. What the actual F***? ENT gave me steroids, but I need to keep myself healthy for once.

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