
should i terminate the placement early or try and push through?

i’m currently on loan from one organisation to another for 12 months (8 weeks in so far) as a learning opportunity for me and to provide knowledge/skills the host organisation is missing. i expected the placement to be a challenge and a steep learning curve but the culture is extremely isolating and management are very challenging and unsupportive. i often don’t get straight answers to the questions i ask when i need support, but then management go mad if you make a small mistake. i find it difficult working with aggressive managers and my anxiety / stress levels have gone through the roof in the last two months since starting the placement. i worry about work constantly and am terrified of doing something wrong- i had a week off recently and was having panic attacks thinking about going back to work afterwards. i could cut my losses and terminate the…

i’m currently on loan from one organisation to another for 12 months (8 weeks in so far) as a learning opportunity for me and to provide knowledge/skills the host organisation is missing. i expected the placement to be a challenge and a steep learning curve but the culture is extremely isolating and management are very challenging and unsupportive. i often don’t get straight answers to the questions i ask when i need support, but then management go mad if you make a small mistake. i find it difficult working with aggressive managers and my anxiety / stress levels have gone through the roof in the last two months since starting the placement. i worry about work constantly and am terrified of doing something wrong- i had a week off recently and was having panic attacks thinking about going back to work afterwards.

i could cut my losses and terminate the placement early, giving the required notice period, or i could try and tough it out and use it as a learning experience. it’s a high profile organisation and i was originally really excited for the opportunity, but at this stage i’m tempted to cut my losses and try and minimise the impact on my mental health. my main organisation would take me back no problem, but i don’t want to give up a great learning opportunity and potentially reflect poorly on me for failing to finish and do well at the placement. if i stay – how can i make the most of the situation?

grateful for any advice or anyone who has been through something similar!

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