I'm an ordinary guy, I like competition and I always say I like capitalism, but I always add: “not the way USA does it, they're off the rocker”.
So my point would be, know that any system, taken to the extreme, is just as bad. You hate your boss for being too strict or whatever, but it's also nice to be able to leave the job on the spot. You don't have unions, but on the other hand it's nice that you have the freedom to negotiate your own salary (it's hard, but you have this freedom). USA Healthcare is a mess and can bankrupt you, that should definitely change, but on the other hand it's also the best (medically speaking) in the world. And so on.
The good thing about your boss being able to fire you on the spot is also the reverse of the medal: they hire you a lot easier than a european company would. I had colleagues in college (quire recently), who went to the USA and found jobs on the spot, just went in “good day sir, I would like a job”/”hello, here's the apron, go at it” and they got their paycheck at the end of the day… you don't see that in Europe because, as a company, when you hire someone, you die with them – it's almost impossible to fire someone. It takes between 1 and 3 months to be hired in Europe, just because of a chaotic recruitment process; they're simply afraid to hire.
I lived in countries with a lot of laws that take care of the workers and, in truth, it's nice for most people, but if you're just a bit more into competition (not a prodigy, not a genius, not a millionaire, just a simple guy who likes competition and usually wants more, be it money or whatever), you'll hate it. I was obliged to give a 3 months notice to my job and couldn't negotiate a single penny above the union's salary grid – and I had a lot of work and projects to show for it but nah, they didn't care.
So when it's all said and done, a lot of flaws in the USA work/healthcare system, and it wouldn't be my first choice to move to, but also not my last. 😀