
I need some help demanding a raise.

Hello, I am sorry I am on mobile so formating issues and spelling issues and the long read. I currently work for a call center that does everything you could think of internet support, customer service and even cold calling college alumni for donations and I make 46 cents less than new hires. I am the only person in my department I basically manage myself nothing against my manager she is great. My department is highly specialized and per the client it takes 1.5 years to train a new agent and there is only 17 people in the USA that do what I do. My manager and her manager do not understand what I do and how hard I work. (although my manager tried to have me train her in my job but thay only lasted 3 days because it was too hard for her) normally I have a back…

Hello, I am sorry I am on mobile so formating issues and spelling issues and the long read. I currently work for a call center that does everything you could think of internet support, customer service and even cold calling college alumni for donations and I make 46 cents less than new hires. I am the only person in my department I basically manage myself nothing against my manager she is great. My department is highly specialized and per the client it takes 1.5 years to train a new agent and there is only 17 people in the USA that do what I do. My manager and her manager do not understand what I do and how hard I work. (although my manager tried to have me train her in my job but thay only lasted 3 days because it was too hard for her) normally I have a back up agent that take messages for me when I am and 3 of them have quit due to the stress of just taking messages from my nice and wonderful customers thats how hard it is. I am going to demand a 2 dollar an hour raise at the bare minimum asking for 3 to start. To the main point of this point how do I nicely demand a raise, the only thing I can think of is let my manager's manager know I can quit today take a job offer for the pay I want for 3 months for my non compete clause to expire and then work directly for the client as I am his golden goose and he treats as such. As a side note with my client I don't want him involved as he has a temper and knows my worth and he will go full scorched earth. Any advise would be useful.

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