
Toxic Work Environments

On the long weekend I had what was quite possibly some of the worst work days of my life. For context, I'm in the service industry and the restaurant is a ritzy high traffic one on one of the busiest streets in a major city. We had two resos of 100+ people that continued to get larger as they were events open to the public as long as they bought tickets. Both were booked as pool parties and though we typically have security to inforce the no drinking in the pools rule along with many other common transgressions, management seemed to only care about the money they were making and not the major safety hazards that began to accumulate. In addition, a new manager has been sending staff home for drinking and eating on 8+ hour shifts leaving us incredibly short staffed, this included security. To top it off there…

On the long weekend I had what was quite possibly some of the worst work days of my life. For context, I'm in the service industry and the restaurant is a ritzy high traffic one on one of the busiest streets in a major city. We had two resos of 100+ people that continued to get larger as they were events open to the public as long as they bought tickets. Both were booked as pool parties and though we typically have security to inforce the no drinking in the pools rule along with many other common transgressions, management seemed to only care about the money they were making and not the major safety hazards that began to accumulate. In addition, a new manager has been sending staff home for drinking and eating on 8+ hour shifts leaving us incredibly short staffed, this included security. To top it off there is a high turn over rate as well so everyone was slammed and not a single person got even a 10 minute break. Staff coming in for the beginning of their shifts were being escorted out for not wearing the designated hat or sunglasses that weren't even being reimbursed. Obviously none of this applied to management but hey, we're all a team here and management is here to support you no matter what.

There are many other issues at this restaurant but this past weekend was the straw that broke the camel's back. I quit the following morning citing all my concerns including contract violations just to receive a catty response from my manager basically blaming me and ignoring all the safety concerns I listed. I'm glad I'm free of this place, it's a weight off my shoulders. But , overall my message is to look for the early signs that management doesn't give a shit and will risk your physical and mental health just to make money and benefit themselves. Unfortunately we need to work to live, especially rn, but your safety should always come first. Stay strong my friends and thank you for listening to my story.

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