
I want to quit but not sure if I’m being emotional

Hey there. I’m a 30 year old dentist, working in the same dental hospital for 6 years. The head of the hospital is really ignorant and unstable – yet surprisingly it’s hard to call him a “bad” person. If we were in a corporate job, I’m pretty sure he would get sued by the workers a lot. But we got used to his weird behavior towards us. But lately, I got so sick of it. I’m thinking about resigning but I don’t want to get another job for a month maybe. The attitude I’m talking about is, sometimes he talks and acts like we live in his house in 70s and he is our father. You want to take annual leave? He asks why. You are 5 minutes late? He shouts to not be late again from a corner of the hospital to another, drawing a very informal picture among…

Hey there. I’m a 30 year old dentist, working in the same dental hospital for 6 years. The head of the hospital is really ignorant and unstable – yet surprisingly it’s hard to call him a “bad” person.

If we were in a corporate job, I’m pretty sure he would get sued by the workers a lot. But we got used to his weird behavior towards us. But lately, I got so sick of it. I’m thinking about resigning but I don’t want to get another job for a month maybe.

The attitude I’m talking about is, sometimes he talks and acts like we live in his house in 70s and he is our father. You want to take annual leave? He asks why. You are 5 minutes late? He shouts to not be late again from a corner of the hospital to another, drawing a very informal picture among other workers and patients. Claims we don’t have a lunch break. Asks us to come to the hospital on our day off when someone’s on annual leave. And the hospital pays too little to the lunch/catering firm, so the food is bad. We ask them to change or pay more. We didn’t even get an answer. The bad food really grinds my gears. It may sound funny but I stand to a lot of stuff and when the food is bad, i get so frustrated.

A friend of mine resigned lately and another is going to resign, so I think the reason I’m resigning now may be a little emotional for me. I’m not sure if I should just do it, or wait a little to find another job

I also feel like I don’t ever want to work another day. Not having a hobby or passion in life makes working harder. (But I will need to work cause I’ll need money)

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