
can someone give me some advice?

I (24f) work at retail and recently had covid. Amongst the few days, the manager demanded i go to a doctor's office or else she'd “write me up for a memo” (this was before I had a positive test, she said that “all jobs demand you get a doctor's note after 1 day”, but I read the law and it stipulates that a job may only ask for one if it exceeds 2 days, which i had not at that point, the law also states I can't be punished in work for my time sick). Aside from almost making me work with covid (because she said the note could only excuse me for a day), I received messages from people who don't even work with me anymore asking how I was doing with covid (they knew because some of the managers had told them, not because I shared this with…

I (24f) work at retail and recently had covid. Amongst the few days, the manager demanded i go to a doctor's office or else she'd “write me up for a memo” (this was before I had a positive test, she said that “all jobs demand you get a doctor's note after 1 day”, but I read the law and it stipulates that a job may only ask for one if it exceeds 2 days, which i had not at that point, the law also states I can't be punished in work for my time sick). Aside from almost making me work with covid (because she said the note could only excuse me for a day), I received messages from people who don't even work with me anymore asking how I was doing with covid (they knew because some of the managers had told them, not because I shared this with them or anyone). Now the manager won't even look at my face when I'm at work, all because she feels I “disrespected her” when i refuted her on the doctor's note/memo situation.

I've felt horrible ever since I came back, aside from being a soul draining job as it is, I've felt outcast by the supervising team (of which I'm a part of) and I no longer want to work there (but I don't have many work options either). Should I report any of this to HR or is the situation undeserving?

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