
I don’t know if I can do it anymore.

I’ve been back at the office for three months now, and I don’t know if I can do it anymore. Two years of working from home has opened my eyes to a new reality that the CEO and directors choose to ignore: Our jobs can be done effectively from home. I feel like a chump every time I get stuck in traffic, pay to park, spend money on gas, pay for childcare, miss out on time with my kids, and it’s making me unhappy. I feel like I’m having an existential crisis every time I sit at my desk doing shit I can do from home. “Company culture” is the excuse they give to force people back into their cubicles, but I think it’s a lie. Control and monitoring are the real reasons. I’m having trouble reconciling this “back-to-the-office” bullshit, but I’m a single dad and I need the money.…

I’ve been back at the office for three months now, and I don’t know if I can do it anymore. Two years of working from home has opened my eyes to a new reality that the CEO and directors choose to ignore: Our jobs can be done effectively from home.

I feel like a chump every time I get stuck in traffic, pay to park, spend money on gas, pay for childcare, miss out on time with my kids, and it’s making me unhappy. I feel like I’m having an existential crisis every time I sit at my desk doing shit I can do from home. “Company culture” is the excuse they give to force people back into their cubicles, but I think it’s a lie. Control and monitoring are the real reasons.

I’m having trouble reconciling this “back-to-the-office” bullshit, but I’m a single dad and I need the money. I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. Fuck.

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