
I don’t get it

Quick backstory: I'm 19 and currently doing an apprenticeship in a hotel in Switzerland and I absolutely hate it. Well enough said so idk where to start but let's just put it like this is everyone around me a NPC? Are you real? I genuinely don't know I always see people travelling, going shopping, eating out etc. meanwhile I'm sitting at home all day in my free time and just watching anime or playing games. See my problem is that I hate to spend money I live very frugal with my parents and invest/safe all of my money. And yes indeed I have no social life and no friends nor any girl/boyfriends because I'm asexual. I see older people from school already owning cars and some have already started a family while I'm literally at the same point. I need to add I'm also a really lazy person I only…

Quick backstory: I'm 19 and currently doing an apprenticeship in a hotel in Switzerland and I absolutely hate it. Well enough said so idk where to start but let's just put it like this is everyone around me a NPC? Are you real? I genuinely don't know I always see people travelling, going shopping, eating out etc. meanwhile I'm sitting at home all day in my free time and just watching anime or playing games. See my problem is that I hate to spend money I live very frugal with my parents and invest/safe all of my money. And yes indeed I have no social life and no friends nor any girl/boyfriends because I'm asexual. I see older people from school already owning cars and some have already started a family while I'm literally at the same point. I need to add I'm also a really lazy person I only do the bare minimum and hate to waste my time at work. I think that most of the thing in our capitalistic society are hella unecassary and I disguise people who try to “flex” with some materialistic items that have no worth we just think it's worth some random amount and we're for some reason totally fine with it. I also believe that a economy where growth is needed is not sustainable in the long term and capitalism will eventually fail. I'm not here for any politics btw that's another topic where I have my own ideal ideology. So now the final question: Am I just a weird dude or does it really make no sense at all? People say go live your life and I'm like well how if I'm stuck 5 days a week 8 hours per day in a hotel where I don't even wanna be in? Thanks already for all answers and please stay objectively because it's a really serious topic for me personally!

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