
I’ve watched 2 new people get promoted because I refuse to work off the clock

I work in the automotive industry, which does have a reputation for shitty work environment. I was fairly new to the field so I chocked that up to me not being ready when someone started and got promoted. He had a few more classes done than me, no biggie. Now someone started about a year ago (I've been here 3) and honestly he's a hard worker. Sometimes it's overboard, like literally sprinting between jobs even when it wasn't busy. He was definitely a brown noser to the manager but that's everywhere honestly. What really got me is the fact that he would skip his lunch, as in clock out and continue to work. Along with clocking out after the shift is over and continue to work. Now that's where I cross the line! I need to eat lmao, plus I have stuff to do after. I have a lot going…

I work in the automotive industry, which does have a reputation for shitty work environment. I was fairly new to the field so I chocked that up to me not being ready when someone started and got promoted. He had a few more classes done than me, no biggie.

Now someone started about a year ago (I've been here 3) and honestly he's a hard worker. Sometimes it's overboard, like literally sprinting between jobs even when it wasn't busy. He was definitely a brown noser to the manager but that's everywhere honestly.

What really got me is the fact that he would skip his lunch, as in clock out and continue to work. Along with clocking out after the shift is over and continue to work. Now that's where I cross the line! I need to eat lmao, plus I have stuff to do after. I have a lot going on in my life.

The worst part is that it worked. My manager ate it up and constantly praises him and compares me to him. He gets so many more opportunities because of it.

Needless to say I'm looking for another job. Hell a different career. 17 an hour in socal ain't cutting it. Not to mention the thousands I've spent on tools!

Thank you for allowing me to vent. If anyone has any ideas for a good job, lemme know. And fuck capitalism

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