
Update on my company shorting my check from a few weeks ago

Original thread: Sorry for the delay in updating. So they figured out it was me somehow and I had HR calling me and saying “it was against company policy to post negatively about the company on social media” and we could fire you. I feigned ignorance and was like “What's a reddit” as I was still in the process of finding a job. That just added to the large amount of sketchy shit they pulled. But alas, I started my new job today and I wanted to update yall. My coworker and I both sent in our resignation letter at the exact same time and peaced out yesterday (we were the only 2 employees at the location) and we've both gotten new jobs. We tried putting in our pto and it was denied and I don't think they pay out either, so that blows. I'm waiting now to see…

Original thread:

Sorry for the delay in updating. So they figured out it was me somehow and I had HR calling me and saying “it was against company policy to post negatively about the company on social media” and we could fire you. I feigned ignorance and was like “What's a reddit” as I was still in the process of finding a job. That just added to the large amount of sketchy shit they pulled.

But alas, I started my new job today and I wanted to update yall. My coworker and I both sent in our resignation letter at the exact same time and peaced out yesterday (we were the only 2 employees at the location) and we've both gotten new jobs.

We tried putting in our pto and it was denied and I don't think they pay out either, so that blows. I'm waiting now to see if they pay out my last commission check, which they'll probably come up with something.

First day of the new job was great so I'm hopeful for the future. Thanks again for all the advice before. My own piece of advice, never work for TROC, just sell drugs or something as it's probably better for your mental health.

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