
Work for free..?

Hey guys… question.. my friend works for a third party logistics company that lost their contract to another company. She supposed to move out of the building to work with the new company on 7/11, but the old company is expecting her to keep working for them as well until the old companies last day in November, as a volunteer until the transition and everything is moved over. Sounds illegal to me. She would be latterly doing 2 jobs for 2 different companies. She is an hourly employee. Does she have any recourse here? She already signed an offer letter with the new company.

Hey guys… question.. my friend works for a third party logistics company that lost their contract to another company. She supposed to move out of the building to work with the new company on 7/11, but the old company is expecting her to keep working for them as well until the old companies last day in November, as a volunteer until the transition and everything is moved over. Sounds illegal to me. She would be latterly doing 2 jobs for 2 different companies. She is an hourly employee. Does she have any recourse here? She already signed an offer letter with the new company.

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