
unions backfiring?

idk if this is the right forum for this but I just wanted some insight: at my job it’s well known that there’s a maintenance worker who’s very temperamental, stolen things multiple times, doesn’t clean, disappears for entire shifts and sometimes sleeps on the job, but he can’t be fired because he’s part of a union. anyway, I’m pro union, i believe we all need to be paid and treated better at this job, but I’m also frustrated thinking that another worker might mess with my things at my job. Has anyone been through anything similar?

idk if this is the right forum for this but I just wanted some insight:

at my job it’s well known that there’s a maintenance worker who’s very temperamental, stolen things multiple times, doesn’t clean, disappears for entire shifts and sometimes sleeps on the job, but he can’t be fired because he’s part of a union.

anyway, I’m pro union, i believe we all need to be paid and treated better at this job, but I’m also frustrated thinking that another worker might mess with my things at my job. Has anyone been through anything similar?

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