
Today I resigned from my job of 10 years and lost a friend.

I was an employee for working for 2 cafe's owned by one boss. The boss i worked for was a dream, actually treated you like a human being and genuinely cared. Ive worked for his business for over 10 years (so i assumed i must of been doing something right). 3 years ago my boss only owned one cafe, he then hired a manager to take care of the new establishment. The guy was experienced and really knew what he was doing and he knew it too which accentuated his ego, all in all he was an asshole. He was amazing with customers and very sociable but when you were his subordinate he made sure you knew who was in charge. The cafe became successful and he made sure to have people working at all times. Customers havent arrived yet? Here's some soap, scrub this wall clean. My loyalty to…

I was an employee for working for 2 cafe's owned by one boss. The boss i worked for was a dream, actually treated you like a human being and genuinely cared.
Ive worked for his business for over 10 years (so i assumed i must of been doing something right).

3 years ago my boss only owned one cafe, he then hired a manager to take care of the new establishment. The guy was experienced and really knew what he was doing and he knew it too which accentuated his ego, all in all he was an asshole.
He was amazing with customers and very sociable but when you were his subordinate he made sure you knew who was in charge.
The cafe became successful and he made sure to have people working at all times. Customers havent arrived yet? Here's some soap, scrub this wall clean.
My loyalty to my boss was strong enough i did as i was told, as employee after employee left and replaced i still stuck around.

Until now.

A big rainstorm had hit our land of Australia, i relied on public transport to get to places as i lived in a rural area and was still saving up to get a car. (I never really had an interest in driving so i never felt the need to buy one).
During this rainstorm public transport was delayed, i had a open 6am shift and told my boss i was going to be about 15 minutes late, i remind you this was my boss and not the ass hole manager.
Unexpectedly he goes off at me. He tell's me how i must of woken up late and just made an excuse, he tells me to get a cab to work no excuses. This expense is pretty expensive as its $40 per trip.
I am in disbelief and upset. So i call the cab and get to work 5 minutes early.
My boss throughout the day was on my case about every small detail to the point i knew ass hole had gotten close to his ear or had some influence over this.
I try to talk to him about the train scenario and said he didnt have time for my excuses and to get back to work.

His attitude hasnt changed at all after a few weeks, it's put me into a perpetual cycle or depression = low work motivation = poor work quality = getting yelled at = more depression.

So i told my boss i cant do this anymore. I told him i will be leaving in 2 months, within those two months it is up to him to find my replacement.

He backtracks and tells me after all we have been through how could i do this to him with already how short staffed we were. All those helpfull* favours he did for me.

*convinced his realtor friend to accept my rent application (for some reason electricity was 3x the normal price when i was billed every month)

Anyways, i doubled down and repeated myself and i also apologised saying its the best for both of us. To which he said you mean whats best for you? How selfish of you.

I saw this was going nowhere and decided to take me leave right then and there.
So now i am the gossip of my small town of being the betrayer, the asshole. Who fucked over a good man.

I might take a trip.

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