
If lawyers can get retainers why can’t all business professionals?

As a business professional working for a large organization, many of my days are spent simply marking time with nothing pressing to do. It is a “feast or famine” business, where things are either crazy busy or there are crickets chirping in the office. That got me thinking, why go through the charade of acting busy? Why can't we simply be paid for our availability? Let us live our lives as we wish when there's nothing to do. If there's a need, of course, we'll be immediately available.

As a business professional working for a large organization, many of my days are spent simply marking time with nothing pressing to do. It is a “feast or famine” business, where things are either crazy busy or there are crickets chirping in the office. That got me thinking, why go through the charade of acting busy? Why can't we simply be paid for our availability? Let us live our lives as we wish when there's nothing to do. If there's a need, of course, we'll be immediately available.

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