
“Here are your gaps in productivity tell me everything you did”

My company has the stupidest time tracking system ever. We have to report things by the minute and we get sent these detailed spreadsheets of what we have recorded, with big highlighted areas where one might have been idle for more than 15 minutes at a time. I have to look through those and explain all the gaps. Most of them are travel? But it’s still like… you want my time to be mostly billable but then I have to do this and explain when I needed to take a shit or grab gas. It’s fucked.

My company has the stupidest time tracking system ever. We have to report things by the minute and we get sent these detailed spreadsheets of what we have recorded, with big highlighted areas where one might have been idle for more than 15 minutes at a time.

I have to look through those and explain all the gaps. Most of them are travel? But it’s still like… you want my time to be mostly billable but then I have to do this and explain when I needed to take a shit or grab gas. It’s fucked.

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