
Complained about inflation and money to boss. Solution: get co-worker to offer me budgeting advice

Yesterday I argued with my boss that wages should increase with inflation or else it is a pay decrease, and mentioned I have 50 bucks in the bank after he started going on about an adjacent company’s union strikes. Today I came to work and saw him and a co-worker sitting down and talking. Right after my co-worker came over and said she could help me with budgeting. I do budget. I spend my money on necessary items only. I don’t come into work everyday with new clothes, hair, makeup, or nails. Half of my pay goes directly to rent, then there’s other bills, debts, and food. Doesn’t leave a lot left over. My boss comes from a wealthy family and has driven a work truck on work gas since his early 20s. He has no idea how hard it is when you have nothing and everything keeps getting more…

Yesterday I argued with my boss that wages should increase with inflation or else it is a pay decrease, and mentioned I have 50 bucks in the bank after he started going on about an adjacent company’s union strikes.

Today I came to work and saw him and a co-worker sitting down and talking. Right after my co-worker came over and said she could help me with budgeting.

I do budget. I spend my money on necessary items only. I don’t come into work everyday with new clothes, hair, makeup, or nails.

Half of my pay goes directly to rent, then there’s other bills, debts, and food. Doesn’t leave a lot left over.

My boss comes from a wealthy family and has driven a work truck on work gas since his early 20s. He has no idea how hard it is when you have nothing and everything keeps getting more expensive.

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