
Just got laid off, so what now?

So I just got laid off from my stupid fucking job today… They have been driving it into the ground for months now and I knew this was probably on the horizon. I was in a good position and now I have the chance to freelance for them at a higher rate so I guess that’s my meantime. Anyway the reason for this post is is there anything I should do or look into to make life easier while looking for a job? This was my first real job and I’ve been there for almost 3 years so waking up today to a phone call telling me my department was being let go I’ve been kind of lost today so any advice from others who have been in this position would be great. Like I said I had a feeling this was on the horizon so I was casually looking…

So I just got laid off from my stupid fucking job today… They have been driving it into the ground for months now and I knew this was probably on the horizon. I was in a good position and now I have the chance to freelance for them at a higher rate so I guess that’s my meantime.
Anyway the reason for this post is is there anything I should do or look into to make life easier while looking for a job? This was my first real job and I’ve been there for almost 3 years so waking up today to a phone call telling me my department was being let go I’ve been kind of lost today so any advice from others who have been in this position would be great.
Like I said I had a feeling this was on the horizon so I was casually looking for a job the past FEW months in I’d say 4 months I’ve had 1 interview and 3 people reached out but never got back to me for an interview. i dont know what I’m going to do I couldn’t find a job casually who in gods green earth will I find something good when I really need it.
I feel like I’m going to be back moving furniture in a few months for a complete 180 in my life. I absolutely hated my job but the unknown is even worse. I could bitch about it all day but at least I knew I had a pay check coming so it wasn’t that bad?
Thank you for coming to my confused rant, what the fuck am I going to do.

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