
Who’s even listening?

I’ve been lurking here a couple weeks and almost every post hits home for me. We complain online and to others that feel the same way or are in the same situation but who the hell is even listening? What can actually change? Im 37, I’m a full-time audio engineer/AV tech/installer and a part-time firefighter (not volunteer or paid-on-call). I’m literally behind on everything. I’m barely (if that) able to keep a single nostril above water. My full-time boss is working on a commission plan for me because he says he can’t just pay me more than $16.50hr. Between both jobs, I work nearly 60hrs a week. I live alone, no girlfriend or roommate so help pay any bills. I’m looking at having to re-home my 2 cats because I literally can’t afford litter and food for them. I just really wish a drunk dump truck driver would take me…

I’ve been lurking here a couple weeks and almost every post hits home for me. We complain online and to others that feel the same way or are in the same situation but who the hell is even listening? What can actually change?

Im 37, I’m a full-time audio engineer/AV tech/installer and a part-time firefighter (not volunteer or paid-on-call). I’m literally behind on everything. I’m barely (if that) able to keep a single nostril above water. My full-time boss is working on a commission plan for me because he says he can’t just pay me more than $16.50hr. Between both jobs, I work nearly 60hrs a week. I live alone, no girlfriend or roommate so help pay any bills. I’m looking at having to re-home my 2 cats because I literally can’t afford litter and food for them.

I just really wish a drunk dump truck driver would take me out while I’m on a vehicle collision call on the interstate… I’m tired.

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