
PSA/Rant: Just because you have the creativity and manic energy needed to start a successful company does not mean that you have the skills or temperament necessary to manage it well once it’s established.

I get that founding a successful business from scratch takes a lot of work and, let's be honest, a certain degree of manic energy. But the skills necessary to do that are almost the polar opposite of what makes a good leader once a company is established. I get that letting go of control would be hard, too, but I'm so freaking sick of working for people who are good at starting companies but utter shit at managing them, stabilizing them, and making it so it's not just a constant string of fires to be put out because “we don't want to lose that startup energy and flexibility”. Fuck you – that's not flexibility, it's disorganization, poor planning, and bad management, and it's the employees who suffer from it, all because the person in charge can't step back and recognize what they are and are not good at. Sorry, had…

I get that founding a successful business from scratch takes a lot of work and, let's be honest, a certain degree of manic energy. But the skills necessary to do that are almost the polar opposite of what makes a good leader once a company is established.

I get that letting go of control would be hard, too, but I'm so freaking sick of working for people who are good at starting companies but utter shit at managing them, stabilizing them, and making it so it's not just a constant string of fires to be put out because “we don't want to lose that startup energy and flexibility”. Fuck you – that's not flexibility, it's disorganization, poor planning, and bad management, and it's the employees who suffer from it, all because the person in charge can't step back and recognize what they are and are not good at.

Sorry, had to vent and this seemed like a good place.

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