
Female machinist here, with an update

Edit to share previous post: Hey r/antiwork, I figured I'd give everyone an update. As anticlimactic as it probably is, I'm happy to share it with you all anyway. I wanna preface this though with just how much hearing all your similar stories and words of support meant to me as I read them. I had no idea venting on a subreddit I regularly lurk would end up the way that it did. This was all overwhelming, so it took me a minute to collect my thoughts and get back. I went to work on Friday, pretty gassed up, still kind of hoping they were just leaving me hanging all week because I did enjoy working there. Instead, I was met with two rushed jobs, had to be done that day, definite overtime to be executed and shipped out in time, and not a word about what I had…

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Hey r/antiwork, I figured I'd give everyone an update. As anticlimactic as it probably is, I'm happy to share it with you all anyway. I wanna preface this though with just how much hearing all your similar stories and words of support meant to me as I read them. I had no idea venting on a subreddit I regularly lurk would end up the way that it did. This was all overwhelming, so it took me a minute to collect my thoughts and get back.

I went to work on Friday, pretty gassed up, still kind of hoping they were just leaving me hanging all week because I did enjoy working there. Instead, I was met with two rushed jobs, had to be done that day, definite overtime to be executed and shipped out in time, and not a word about what I had talked to my supervisor about. The entire morning my new guy I was training was talking about how he only had to stick this out for three more months, and he was gone. He didn't want to be there, I didn't want to be there, I was facing this shit head on and he stood by idly not absorbing much because he already had resigned from the job in his head. I had an engineer and the owner himself come over to micromanage what I was doing, several times, and usually I don't really give a fuck, but like I said, gassed up. I went to lunch even though I suspect they wanted me to work through it because I got a laundry list of shit to do before leaving, and I just couldn't bring myself to go back. I told my buddy to grab my tools and stuff and put them in his truck and directly texted my supervisor that “I quit”. I just recently used all my vacation days, so I'm pretty much in a wild card situation right now, but I have enough I think for now. Uber apparently didnt like my outlaw-ish past, and I printed off house cleaning flyers and shot them around a few days ago but nothing to report yet, so the only income between then and when I start my new job is donating my plasma, I think. Unless anyone has any better ideas. And don't say only fans. Trust me, the world wouldn't want it.

I know it was probably reckless and stupid to quit when I did, but my god, after everything is said and done, knowing the job wasn't done on time and not having to face them again, felt very good, and I don't regret it. It's weird sitting around though. I've just been working on things I usually don't, house projects/repairs I haven't gotten to, and I'm working on a painting. I haven't painted in over a year. So that feels good.
This was unreal talking to all of y'all, and just connecting on a common ground. I hope our situation changes soon and soon enough for us to see it. Feel free to send me messages still if you want to talk or need to vent like I did, I'm here for all of you, like you were for me. ️

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