
Global Worker Union

What's stopping us from forming a union? We have numbers on our side don't we? We don't need any special sort of organizational structure. Let's start with a name then establish some strategy to deal with worker grievances collectively. even from a distance, we can exert some influence if there are enough of us. I don't think it even matters if we're all in the same job. we can set up a way for workers to air their grievances, a discord or whatever, and then collectively exert pressure on the company that is causing the issue. When something shitty happens to one of us, we all get on board to right that wrong. even if you're not having problems right now, this would be important for your future. this could include physical activity like picketing if we get enough people and have some close to where the offending corporation operates.…

What's stopping us from forming a union? We have numbers on our side don't we? We don't need any special sort of organizational structure. Let's start with a name then establish some strategy to deal with worker grievances collectively. even from a distance, we can exert some influence if there are enough of us. I don't think it even matters if we're all in the same job.

we can set up a way for workers to air their grievances, a discord or whatever, and then collectively exert pressure on the company that is causing the issue. When something shitty happens to one of us, we all get on board to right that wrong. even if you're not having problems right now, this would be important for your future.

this could include physical activity like picketing if we get enough people and have some close to where the offending corporation operates.

It might not have the power of a true union right now, in terms of negotiations and stuff like that but even that might come in time.

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