
I can’t find motivation to deal with stress and responsibilities again

Welcome to my tedtalk. I (28 F) had a 2 year break from work because of the pandemic( i work in tourism). Luckly, my husband helped me a lot during this period. Now, I started to work again, after many changes in my life. I worked for a month and a half at a tourism agency, but i didn't like it. Now i moved to another agency, the colleagues are way nicer, the work is interesting but with a lot of responsibility and stress. The manager wanted me to come from the begining, he seemed very proud of his company, he kept praising it. I told him i'll come back with an answer in a week because i was waiting for another company to call me. The other company (HP) didn't want to hire me because i didn't have experience in the field… I want to get rid of this…

Welcome to my tedtalk.

I (28 F) had a 2 year break from work because of the pandemic( i work in tourism). Luckly, my husband helped me a lot during this period. Now, I started to work again, after many changes in my life. I worked for a month and a half at a tourism agency, but i didn't like it. Now i moved to another agency, the colleagues are way nicer, the work is interesting but with a lot of responsibility and stress. The manager wanted me to come from the begining, he seemed very proud of his company, he kept praising it. I told him i'll come back with an answer in a week because i was waiting for another company to call me. The other company (HP) didn't want to hire me because i didn't have experience in the field… I want to get rid of this tourism… So i accepted his offer(lower than i asked for but i need extra money for my many health issues).

Now, the tourism sector is chaotic because the covid restrictions are gone and everyone wants to travel NOW. I work in production because i didn't want to deal with clients. But it's a lot of responsibility. My colleagues are nice, they are trying to teach me but they don't have enough time. The company is small so they don't have training or hr dpt.

Today was an awful day for a few colleagues because they had a lot of issues and 2 other are on vacation so theyhad to take over the extra work. One of the women cried really bad today due to big problems with plane tickets. I just didn't know how to react. It's only me second week and it looks bad. I am afraid of what will come for me because i too am the type who stars to cry even for minor issues. And i don't want this!!! I just don't want to spend my time charging myself with problems that are not my personal ones!

I keep telling myself i'll stay here for a year or so because i don't want to quit again and start all over. And after a small period of time i'll start looking for other jobs in other field and i'll have a decent income, i will be allowed to take vacay whenever i want, ppl won't call me after work or in my free time etc.

Before the pandemic i was working in a big wholesaler, it was awesome, it was stressful sometimes but nothing i couldn't handle. Unfortunately, they fired over 400 ppl only in my country when the pandemic started and filed for bankruptcy.

Everyone of my ex colleagues don't want to hear about them but lowkey i wanted to work for them again. For the first time i had proper Christmas holiday, proper training, Christmas party and many other bennefits in the 7 months i worked there. It was my only experience in a multinational company. I aim for this kind of job. But there is no other big tourism company in my country and they won't hire me in other fields.

I want to work but i want to have a personal life too, i want the right to live for me, not for others.

Sorry for my bad english

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