
I mean i wasn’t tripping right??

So decided to pick up a side job at a gas station to make a little more money and so i show up on my first day and ask a cashier “hello its my first day i was wondering who i was supposed to talk to for my training” (MIND YOU THIS IS A GAS STATION JOB) so the cashier says shes the assistant manager and tells me to stand to the side so she can help customers. 45MINUTES STANDING ON THE SIDE WAITING LOOKING LIKE AN IDIOT. Finally she gets me going on the computer doing online training and i feel her standing behind me and she starts micromanaging how i open trainings and what to click. It didnt bug me that much until i had to get information from my phone and she sees me and says “i need you to put your phone in the back office…

So decided to pick up a side job at a gas station to make a little more money and so i show up on my first day and ask a cashier “hello its my first day i was wondering who i was supposed to talk to for my training” (MIND YOU THIS IS A GAS STATION JOB) so the cashier says shes the assistant manager and tells me to stand to the side so she can help customers. 45MINUTES STANDING ON THE SIDE WAITING LOOKING LIKE AN IDIOT. Finally she gets me going on the computer doing online training and i feel her standing behind me and she starts micromanaging how i open trainings and what to click. It didnt bug me that much until i had to get information from my phone and she sees me and says “i need you to put your phone in the back office because youre not supposed to be on your phone” i explain myself and she took it as me challenging her authority and made the statement “im the boss right now when the manager isnt here, this is your first day and you dont know how things work around here.” Man when i tell yall how fast i got up and left lmao she asked where i was going and i just kept walking. No reason a job like that should have such a toxic work environment. Idk why employers act like you need the job and youll put up with shitty treatment. That concludes my ted talk until next time yall.

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