
My boss tries to be my friend, but throws me under the bus every chance he gets

I’ve been at my job for 5 months and my boss presents as a happy go lucky guy. He tries to be chummy and friendly until something comes down on him from his boss. At that point he immediately throws me under the bus. Every time it’s something he did not train me on, tell me about, or ask me to do. Every time, he presents it to me via email BCCing his boss, in a tone that suggests I’m intentionally not completing tasks. I’m so sick of his shit and the way my job messes up my life outside of work through stress and bad moods.

I’ve been at my job for 5 months and my boss presents as a happy go lucky guy. He tries to be chummy and friendly until something comes down on him from his boss.

At that point he immediately throws me under the bus. Every time it’s something he did not train me on, tell me about, or ask me to do. Every time, he presents it to me via email BCCing his boss, in a tone that suggests I’m intentionally not completing tasks.

I’m so sick of his shit and the way my job messes up my life outside of work through stress and bad moods.

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