
Need Advice On How To Handle Moving

Hi folks. I work for a global company in an Account Manager role. We have been working from home since COVID, but we prospect local companies in our state and they are mildly pushing us to visit clients and go to lunch with them and stuff. I am considering moving to a new state. I see a couple openings for positions similar to mine in that market, but I don’t know how to approach this. I have 3 options: Talk to my direct manager and tell him I want to move to this new city. He’s a fairly nice guy, but I’m unsure of how he will react and if he would help me or want to sabotage me. Contact the Manager in that new city, who I’ve spoken to a couple times, and ask her interest in hiring me before I bring it up to my own manager. Ask…

Hi folks. I work for a global company in an Account Manager role. We have been working from home since COVID, but we prospect local companies in our state and they are mildly pushing us to visit clients and go to lunch with them and stuff.

I am considering moving to a new state. I see a couple openings for positions similar to mine in that market, but I don’t know how to approach this. I have 3 options:

  1. Talk to my direct manager and tell him I want to move to this new city. He’s a fairly nice guy, but I’m unsure of how he will react and if he would help me or want to sabotage me.

  2. Contact the Manager in that new city, who I’ve spoken to a couple times, and ask her interest in hiring me before I bring it up to my own manager.

  3. Ask HR what to do, at the risk of them sabotaging me for some reason.

It feels like a big breach of etiquette to go around my own manager and try to strike a deal with the other manager. I can just hear my boss manipulating me with “why wouldn’t you just come to me first?”. That other manager could just call up my boss and FYI him. Ughh idk risk all around.

What to do?

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