
Boss was a dick when I injured myself at work

Hurt myself at work yesterday. Drove myself to the ER. Ended up with a minor concussion. My boss only expressed concern that the work might not be able to get done if I left. He passive aggressively mentioned that his premiums would increase if I claimed it as a work injury. He told me to just sit and take a breather until I felt better. I’ve had a concussion before, so I knew what this was. I tried to stand and felt wobbly. I then informed him that I need to go to the ER because I don’t mess with head injuries. He sighed and told me to do what I needed to do. Didn’t even offer to drive after seeing me almost lose my balance. Needless to say I’m using my paid days off to update and send out my resume. I don’t do business with or tolerate pieces…

Hurt myself at work yesterday. Drove myself to the ER. Ended up with a minor concussion.

My boss only expressed concern that the work might not be able to get done if I left. He passive aggressively mentioned that his premiums would increase if I claimed it as a work injury. He told me to just sit and take a breather until I felt better. I’ve had a concussion before, so I knew what this was. I tried to stand and felt wobbly. I then informed him that I need to go to the ER because I don’t mess with head injuries. He sighed and told me to do what I needed to do. Didn’t even offer to drive after seeing me almost lose my balance.

Needless to say I’m using my paid days off to update and send out my resume. I don’t do business with or tolerate pieces of shit. He’s shown his true colors, and that can’t be reversed now.

I also document everything. Everything. Our line of work requires licensing and permits. I have a list of projects where those requirements weren’t met. I may just burn it to ground before I leave.

Anyways kids, know your worth. We don’t work “for” these people. We sell our time and expertise. Don’t do business with human trash.

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