
Dream job didn’t last

I’ve worked shit jobs most my life. Backbreaking work with little pay and long hours. I was working in construction and coming to (my job now) when I got off work after working 10-12 a day working part time until they could find a full time position for me. We have a new director who started last week and I got my termination letter today. “Due to budget we no longer require your services.” Fuck all this shit. I’m not going back to busting my ass 6-7 days a week to barely get by. I’ll get on welfare and stay on it until the day I die. I’m so goddamn over these shit jobs.

I’ve worked shit jobs most my life. Backbreaking work with little pay and long hours. I was working in construction and coming to (my job now) when I got off work after working 10-12 a day working part time until they could find a full time position for me. We have a new director who started last week and I got my termination letter today. “Due to budget we no longer require your services.” Fuck all this shit. I’m not going back to busting my ass 6-7 days a week to barely get by. I’ll get on welfare and stay on it until the day I die. I’m so goddamn over these shit jobs.

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